8 прочтений · 4 года назад
101 фильм, расширяющий сознание
1. Куда приводят мечты (What Dreams May Come). 2. Другая земля (Another Earth). 3. Трасса 60 (Interstate 60). 4. Секрет (The Secret). 5. Игры разума (A Beautiful Mind ). 6. Достучаться до небес (Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door). 7. Тринадцатый этаж (The Thirteenth Floor). 8. Зеленая миля (The Green Mile). 9. Мирный воин (Peaceful Warrior). 10. Неуместный человек (The Bothersome Man). 11. Догвилль (Dogville). 12. Начало (Inception). 13. Меланхолия (Melancholia). 14. Заплати другому (Pay It Forward)...
3 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Dog: The story of a pet dog
Continuation... "It's a dream!" - Eric assured himself that he was breathing convulsively. No, it's impossible! He couldn't just become a dog! It happens only in books and movies! No! Impossible! But after a moment, the terrible thoughts of becoming a dog disappeared. The main thing was that the boy felt exactly where the car had gone! After forgetting his fatigue and hunger, he pulled off the trail. But the feeling that he was here once, did not leave him ... Eric's been running the trail all night...