16 прочтений · 3 года назад
The interrupted flight of the giant (1)
On June 17, 1934, the first test flight of the Soviet aircraft ANT-20 took place. Built with public money, and named after the proletarian poet "Maxim Gorky", it was at that time the largest in the world, representing an outstanding achievement of aviation science and technology of the Soviet Union. The young Soviet country celebrated its next success, welcoming the return from the ice captivity of the Chelyuskin heroes. In honor of this event, on June 19, 1934, an air parade was held in Moscow, which demonstrated the achievements of Soviet aviation...
4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
The history of the scissors dates back to ancient times...
The very first scissors appeared in a man not because he had to serve himself somehow, but because he had to cut the sheep somehow. It happened three and a half thousand years ago when the scissors were two blades connected like tweezers. This invention, though functioning, was not especially successful (in fact, the blades of "sheep's" scissors, which appeared for the first time in Ancient Rome, did not turn relative to the center, but just squeezed the hand as a big grab for a piece of cake),...