11 подписчиков
The Conformist. Maxim Titovets. City life scenes in four acts. Translated by Olga Savchuk. CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY Sergey Lebedev, a professor, a neuro surgeon, 65. Victoria Pavlovna, his wife, an owner of an art gallery, 62. Aglaya, his eldest daughter, art expert, 28. Inna, his younger daughter, 23. Nikolay Orlov, an aspiring painter, 25. Olga Orlova, his mother, a high-level public official at the ministry of education, 50. Leonid Gromov, a retired general, a businessman, 63. Mitya Gromov, his son, a man of pleasure, 25...
11 месяцев назад
51,7K подписчиков
Birth of the Russian "Great Mute" (1898–1917) It is known that the French brought the movies to Russia. It was at the beginning of 1896. However, many Russian photographers were able to quickly learn a new craft. Already in 1898, documentary plots were shot not only by foreign, but also by Russian operators. But still 10 years were before the appearance of Russian feature films. Only in 1908, director and entrepreneur Alexander Drankov made the first Russian film with actors under the title Ponizovaya Volnitsa (Stepan Razin)...
5 лет назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfjlKJkHnZU глава первая о мегаполисе это запись librivox все записи librivox chapter one of the metropolis this is a librivox recording all librivox находятся в открытом доступе для получения дополнительной информации или добровольного recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please участия пожалуйста посетите librivox.org запись Ричарда Килмера Сан-Антонио Техас visit librivox.org recording by Richard Kilmer San Antonio Texas the metropolis метрополия Аптона Синклера вернулась в 10:30 генерал сказал by Upton Sinclair returned at 10:30 the general said to шофер (), и затем они вошли в коридор отеля...
2 года назад
8 подписчиков
Choose  Membership  I dedicate this piece of eternity , which came for me in the form of Fairies Winx Club , and was embodied in her daughter . Thank you prophet to the Keeper .. We're all looking for . This search is not defined . We don't know when and how it will end , inevitably do it in the beginning or always feel what I want from him . And when we come to the end has already been achieved a long-awaited desire comes the crucial , main point . A moment from which to further build our future ...
4 года назад