299 читали · 4 года назад
Prog island: pretty things "parachute" (1970, EMI Records, UK)
Pretty Things - "parachute" (1970) Songs / tracks Listing: 1. Scene One (Phil may, Wally Waller) - 4:29: a). The good Mr. Square (may, Waller); B). She was tall, she was high (may, Waller); 2. In the Square (may, Waller) - 1:54; 3...
4 года назад
Prog island: pretty things (UK) "freeway madness" (1973)
Pretty Things (UK) - "freeway madness" (1973, US) Songs / tracks listing: side 1: 1. "Love is good" (Povey - May) 6:52; 2. "Havana bound" 3:54; 3. "Peter" (Tolson) 1:27; 4. "rip off Train" 3:30; 5. "over the moon" (Waller - May) 4:32 side 2: 1...