4 прочтения · 2 года назад
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
'Does the sea frighten you? Your boat is very small. Do you know your friends well? Are they good at sailing?' Jack, his wife Tonya, and his friends Max and Sasha want to sail from England to Australia. They have a lot of money and they don't want to work any more - they want an exciting life. And it is exciting for them. And at first everything is easy. But an exciting life can also be a dangerous life. The sea is not always a friendly place - and when you need help, you need good friends and a lot of luck...
Great Alone Audiobook | Part 1 | best audiobooks 2021 аудиокнига час английского timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyECR-QMoBs&list=PLXVbh5OxCb9LKD5bgQTwDG9i3KRNKUqp3 природа никогда не обманывает нас, это всегда мы обманываем себя nature never deceives us it is always we who deceive ourselves жан-жак руссо jean-jacques rousseau 1974 1974 one тот весенний дождь шел сильными порывами, которые сотрясали крыши, that spring rain fell in great sweeping gusts that rattled the rooftops water вода проникала в мельчайшие щели и подрывала самые прочные фундаменты. found its way into the smallest cracks and undermined the sturdiest foundations поколения падали, как груды шлака,...