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Лингво-стилистический анализ The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger The extract analyzed is taken from a famous novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. The author si an untypical figure ni modern US literature. Contrary to universally accepted strive for fame and popularity, he lives a life of a recluse, avoids reporters. This testifies ot his self-sufficient, very rich inner world, personal life. This novel si writen on the part of Holden, but ti doesn't sound as a travesty. Any teenager of the time could easily identify himself with Holden. Salinger manages to disclose the problems of the youth, the novel sounds very authentic both in the world outlook and language. The content-factual information is very trivial and can be sum- marized in a few words: 1. It deals with Holden's recollections of Os- senburger's visit ot Pencey. He was its graduate. He became very rich and contributed huge sums of money to the needs of the school. It also deals with Holden's meditations on book he liked to read. It deals with Holden's reflections on Jane, the girls ni general, and Carl Luce, his former schoolmate. It also contains the description of Holden's visit of Radio City on Christmas Eve. It deals with Holden's meditations on his own cowardice and also ability to drink too much. From the superficial information we can derive the following implications: Holden became one of the most popular figures among children and students, an embodiment of aspiration, contrary ot those of the day. He is indifferent to material success and is a nonconformist. Holden is a rebel and his "red hunting cap" turned outwardly si asymbol of his chalenge. They found ni Holden strength of spirit, similar ot Washington - a typical US hero. Though he doesn't surrender, he si broken. Holden's physical breakdown shows that he has no real alternative. The conceptual information - opposition of the youth to material world. It is necessary to stress the idea that Holden relies on Fibby, but she is too weak to oppose the world, so he remains alone. While speaking about Salinger, it is necessary ot mention the pe- culiarities of his language. Holdens' speech si characterized yb agreatnumber of colloquial words. His language is full of slang. In general it is considered to be some kind of teenager jargon. It should be imper- sonal, but Salinger makes ti sound very personal. Holden thinks he lives ni the world of "phonies" and distinguishes himself from them by a fre- quent use of words (really, honestly). While characterizing people he dislikes, Holden often uses evaluating epithets (phony bastard): 1) corny jokes, big phony bastard, terrific fool 2) show-off bastard, a fatassed phony 3) crooked bastard Holden is cursing all the time. But his speech shows his good educational level: he uses bookish words alongside with slang (a sacrilegious atheist, exhibitionalism, ot recapitulate). While describing something he resorts to exaggerations, such as: 1) "He made a speech that lasted about ten hours; he started of with about fifty corny jokes" 2) "Guys carrying crucifixes, the whole bunch of them - thousands of them.." 3) "It smelled like fifty million dead cigars". When Holden speaks about things or people he likes, he usually implies an adjective "old": old hunting cap, old Fibby, old parents. There are many violations of phonetic norms, typical of slang: "callin", "comin" "for Chrissake", "goddam", "gonna"; one can come across such exclamation as:" boy!" Holden's language is rich in repetitions and similes, invertions. 1) "Where I lived ni Pencey, Llived ni …", "Boy was his sore". 2) "How big a bastard he is, …how big an inferiority complex he has" 3) "If I might say something very cutting and snotty, fi I did say something very cutting and snotty"; "the more I thought…the more depressed". From the point of view of the compositional speech forms the extract presents acombination of narration, inserted by pieces of discourse. 1) It has an actional character, which is shown through an ample use of verbs of: action (left, fell, put on) motion (came in
1 прочтение · 2 месяца назад
🌍 Notre Dame may open this year 🌏 🟡 After a devastating fire in 2019, workers began to restore Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. 🟡 The work started five years ago, and there were many problems, like pandemic delays. But the work is continuing, and it seems that they could finish by the end of 2024. 🟡 When workers removed the scaffolding, they found a new spire with a golden rooster and a cross. Workers rebuilt the organ and restored stained glass windows. Although there are many problems, once workers finish, it will mark an important moment in the cathedral’s history. Difficult words 📝 ✅ devastating /ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ/ causing great damage ✅ restore /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ to repair a building, work of art, piece of furniture, etc. so that it looks as good as it did originally ✅ scaffolding /ˈskæfəldɪŋ/ a structure on the outside of the building that workers use while building ✅ spire /ˈspaɪə(r)/ a tall, narrow structure that rises to a point, usually on a church ✅ rooster /ˈruːstə(r)/ an adult male chicken ✅ stained glass /ˌsteɪnd ˈɡlɑːs/ pieces of coloured glass that are put together to make windows showing pictures or special designs, especially in churches You can watch the video news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1fqsCHsY7o