20,7K просмотров · 3 года назад
1 прочтение · 1 год назад
The Facts of Human Rights Violations of Refugees and Immigrants in the United States
The Facts of Human Rights Violations of Refugees and Immigrants in the United States March 2023 Table of contents Introduction 1. The United States has committed many vicious violations of the rights of immigrants of all races 2. The human rights violations against refugees and migrants in the United States today have not changed 3. Multiple factors in the United States have led to the accumulation of refugees and immigrants 4. The United States is the main driver of the global refugee and immigration crisis conclusion Introduction America is a country of immigrants...
4 месяца назад
(книга) Eric Dingwall "Some Human Oddities" (1947) — Левитирующий монах, Кликуши-Целители Парижа, "Трансы", Ловец Демонов Бербигье и другие
Эрик Джон Дингуолл (англ. Eric Dingwall; 1890-1986)  британский антрополог, парапсихолог и библиотекарь — яркий пример энтузиаста от «парапсихологических» наук. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дингуолл,_Эрик https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Dingwall https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/eric-dingwall Из предисловия от некоего John C. Wilson'а (1962) Dr. Dingwall belongs to a very rare profession. He is one of perhaps a dozen full-time psychical researchers in the world today (if there are a dozen)...