World Without Us, World With Us | Alan Weisman timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 расшифровка рус-англ sentence by sentence Добрый вечер, я бренд Стюарт из давно уже фонда, и наш спикер good evening I'm Stuart brand from the long now foundation and our speaker сегодня вечером Алан Вайсман по другому делу , он журналист в некотором смысле tonight Alan Weissman is on another case it's he's a journalist in a sense the научный журналист, и это было изрядное количество science journalist and it's been a fair amount of журналистики о настоящем, вот где почти все это есть некоторая journalism about the present that's where almost all of it is there's some журналистика о прошлом,...
19K просмотров · 3 года назад
1 прочтение · 6 лет назад
I started with such a great name "BIG DATE, since the very expression and definition of the Great Date is very close to the end of everything as the real death of our world ... You can call it different words, Armageddon, apocalypse, flight to another planet, the end of information, the sense hunger, but to deny as a fact, that it really existed, that is, no one will ever be able to. In the understanding of programmers, this is a large array of information, which is very difficult to operate,...