When they see us(2019). Душераздирающая драма от Netflix.
Очень часто в наших краях можно услышать об обнаглевших американских чёрных, требующих очередных поблажек, компенсаций и извинений от правительства и белого населения в целом. Соотечественники не редко, со знанием дела, объясняли мне подробности сказочной жизни чернокожих на фантастическом пособии и трепетном отношении...
24,3 тыс смотрели · 3 года назад
5 лет назад
Surprise selection (Part 28)
Chapter 14 There are no face masks to see Elisa Did this crazy day come to an end? I couldn't feel my legs. I wanted to fall on the bed and fall asleep, except I couldn't afford it. Over and over again, I scrolled through the morning's events. If it weren't for Reniard, I wouldn't have done it. Alas, it turned out that I wasn't ready for the preparation of something big at all! But Wren was ready and coping so that it was only surprising. Wren... Why am I thinking about him again? Whatever I was distracted by, my thoughts returned to Reniard over and over again...