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Birth of the Russian "Great Mute" (1898–1917) It is known that the French brought the movies to Russia. It was at the beginning of 1896. However, many Russian photographers were able to quickly learn a new craft. Already in 1898, documentary plots were shot not only by foreign, but also by Russian operators. But still 10 years were before the appearance of Russian feature films. Only in 1908, director and entrepreneur Alexander Drankov made the first Russian film with actors under the title Ponizovaya Volnitsa (Stepan Razin)...
5 лет назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXlHy13cq_I Норман: Я бы пошел в эти прекрасно отреставрированные гостиничные здания, которые мы закончили. Но Marc Norman: I would go to these beautifully rehabbed hotel buildings that we would finish. But за пределами этих зданий будут жить люди в палатках или картонных коробках. there would be people in tents or cardboard boxes living outside of those buildings. Так что, гм, это было очень похоже на то, что мы строим это жилье, So, um, it was very much a juxtaposition that we’re building this housing, но проблема больше, чем любое отдельное здание. Ванесса Квирк: Марк Норман — один из but the problem is bigger than any one building...
2 года назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO4YFx_AdGI они не знали, и никто им не сказал, used was 65 percent alcohol-based they didn't know and nobody told them потому что в эпизоде не было противопожарного кляпа, дл я которого изначально планировалась белая одежда, по because there wasn't a fire gag in the episode that the white garment was тому с Риком внутри, ко originally planned for so with rick inside да они коснулись пламенем задней части ку тки Дж when they touched a flame to the back of jake's jacket йка. он превратился в пылающую римскую свечу, когда Рик услышал, как it burst into a blazing...
2 года назад
THANKSGIVING ____ I 1 It was a little gray outside with the Sun rarely peeking out, but Jane felt that she had never been happier in her life. As she was fixing the thanksgiving turkey on this drizzling Thursday, the only person she could think of as her soon-to-be-husband. Having done a decent job, she felt dizzy and decided to take a catnap; the rain was softly whispering, the drops melodically touching the windowsill, you have to drift to sleep. After the midday sleep, she turned off the alarm clock, and went to the kitchen. It wasn’t raining anymore, and she could see the sunlight breaking through...
2 года назад