1 прочтение · 4 года назад
Кинопримьеры. Лето 2020.
1. Билл и Тед. Bill & Ted Face the Music. Bill & Ted Face the Music - американский научно-фантастический комедийный фильм 2020 года, снятый Дином Паризо, третий фильм франшизы о Билле и Теде и продолжение "Невероятные приключения Билла и Теда (1989) и "Новые приключения Билла и Теда" (1991) Дата выхода. Россия. 20.08.2020 Мир. 21.08.2020 Режиссёр. Дин Паризо В ролях. Киану Ривз, Алекс Уинтер, Самара Уивинг, Бригитт Ланди-Пейн, Уильям Сэдлер, Хэл Лэндон мл. 2. На высоте. In the Heights. "На высоте" - американский музыкально-драматический фильм 2020 года режиссера Джона М...
7 прочтений · 2 года назад
The First Scottish King of England
James I Stuart inherited the English throne after the death of the childless Tudor Queen Elizabeth I, at the beginning of the 17th century, in 1603. He was King James I of England and also King James VI of Scotland. The monarch was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots and her second husband Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley. James I became the first joint ruler of the kingdoms of both England and Scotland.  The King was born on 19th June 1566. He was the only son of his parents. Eight months after James's birth his father died when his house was destroyed by an explosion...