Great Alone Audiobook | Part 1 | best audiobooks 2021 аудиокнига час английского timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 природа никогда не обманывает нас, это всегда мы обманываем себя nature never deceives us it is always we who deceive ourselves жан-жак руссо jean-jacques rousseau 1974 1974 one тот весенний дождь шел сильными порывами, которые сотрясали крыши, that spring rain fell in great sweeping gusts that rattled the rooftops water вода проникала в мельчайшие щели и подрывала самые прочные фундаменты. found its way into the smallest cracks and undermined the sturdiest foundations поколения падали, как груды шлака,...
19,7K просмотров · 3 года назад
4 прочтения · 2 месяца назад
Cupid A La Carte by O. Henry
"The dispositions of woman," said Jeff Peters, after various opinions on the subject had been advanced, "run, regular, to diversions. What a woman wants is what you're out of. She wants more of a thing when it's scarce. She likes to have souvenirs of things that never happened. She likes to be reminded of things she never heard of. A one-sided view of objects is disjointing to the female composition. "'Tis a misfortune of mine, begotten by nature and travel," continued Jeff, looking thoughtfully...