75 прочтений · 4 года назад
«Supply Chain Leaders. Развитие без границ!». Стартовал третий курс логистической академии.
Третий год подряд «Пятерочка» принимает активное участие в организации Академии логистики «supply chain leaders. Развитие без границ!». Supply chain leaders -это уникальная программа развития менеджеров...
1 прочтение · 2 года назад
5 Ways Retailers Can Future-Proof Their Supply Chain
According to Statista, global retail sales were $23.56 trillion in 2018, and they grew by $1.22 trillion in 2019. However, it is estimated to drop by $1.42 trillion in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns, which affected the global supply chain, showing the dependence of retail sales on unobstructed movement across the globe. Following the worldwide supply chain disruption, retailers and their parent companies have scrambled for new ways to make the supply chain future-proof for their products and services...