19,6K просмотров · 3 года назад
75 прочтений · 4 года назад
«Supply Chain Leaders. Развитие без границ!». Стартовал третий курс логистической академии.
Третий год подряд «Пятерочка» принимает активное участие в организации Академии логистики «supply chain leaders. Развитие без границ!». Supply chain leaders -это уникальная программа развития менеджеров...
1 прочтение · 6 лет назад
Apple Push to Clean Up Supply Chain Gained Momentum in 2017
Apple Inc. touted major improvements in labor and environmental practices across its vast global supply chain in 2017, as the world’s most valuable company pressured factories to modernize and train workers on their rights. The iPhone maker’s audit of 756 facilities in 2017 produced a 35 percent increase in suppliers classified as high-performing for their adherence to its code of conduct, according to Apple’s 2018 progress report. More than 3 million workers were trained on their rights last year...