4 месяца назад
Создано на основе запроса: A Russian style ballet studio with mirrors,three local girls are rehearsing ballet movement,tendu,degage,grand battement ,the sunlight shines from the high windows into the dance room,many layers ,light and shadow, Film camera motiom picture,35mm lens,beautiful composition,8K,ar7:5,chaos90 --- Автоперевод: Балетная студия в русском стиле с зеркалами, три местные девушки репетируют балетные движения, тенду, дегаге, гранд-батман, солнечный свет светит из высоких окон в танцевальный зал, много слоев, свет и тень, изображение с пленочной камеры, объектив 35 мм, Как тебе такая картинка? 🤔 https://dzen.ru/id/65c0c65c86e4f837c27b24d7 #ИИ #AI #нейросеть #midjourney #art
5 прочтений · 5 лет назад
The very first cartoons in the world
Children and adults today do not imagine their lives without cartoons. But once mankind did not know what cartoons are. Animation appeared in the nineteenth century, and the plots of these films were very "adults". The first children's cartoon created the world's most famous cartoonist Walt Disney. In our review, we will talk about the very first steps in the cartoon world. "Enchanted Drawing" - the very first drawn cartoon. The author and director of this two-minute drawing film is Stuart Blackton...