4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Mind reading
Many people want mind reading to be possible. People want it so much that many really believe in the existence of such a phenomenon or in their supernatural insight. We are all subject to the same systematic errors of our minds. The belief that we can know what the other person is thinking is one of them. You may be familiar with the following situation. You prepare for some responsible conversation and begin to mentally scroll through its possible development. “He will say it, and I will answer him like this...
Quentin Tarantino - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Part II Audiobook timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 расшифровка рус-англ cинхронно
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlawyl-3r38 Через мгновение агент говорит, мистер Далтон, что after a moment the agent says mr dalton вы не первый молодой актер, который снялся в сериале и попал под you are not the first young actor to land a series and fall under the чары высокомерия, на самом деле это обычное заболевание здесь, spell of hubris in fact it's a common ailment out here и посмотрите на меня, and look at me Рик поднимает глаза к глазам агента, Марвин заканчивает, rick raises his eyes to the agent's eyes marvin finishes это простительно затем марвин улыбается it's forgivable...