11 минут
5 прочтений · 5 лет назад
What It’s Like Being a Sober Person in a Drinking World
How do you stay sober when drinking inspires friendships, connections, and even promotions? heers!” I said, clinking glasses of wine with members of the Communist Party in Vietnam’s National Assembly, the equivalent of the U.S.’s White House. I brought the glass to my mouth and tipped it, as if to drink, stopping just shy of the wine reaching my lips. If anyone noticed the lack of gulping (my acting skills are trash) or the never-empty glass, they made no mention of it. There were more important things to discuss anyway...
4 минуты
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
how to lose weight
how to lose weight and four easy steps step one no beer every time you drink a beer it's like eating seven slices of bread that's a lot of unnecessary carbs step two portion control when eating out at a restaurant cut your meal in half and ask for a takeout container to save the rest for later step 3 have your heart broken and not just broken but shattered by a girl who never loved you and never will try to get your shit together and join a gym start going to the gym regularly and even though you don't know that much about exercise and you're way too weak to do pretty much anything but lift five...