541 смотрели · 3 месяца назад
5 лет назад
Why do women like to be victims?
Why do we like to suffer so much? Why very often we do not see for ourselves other sense in life, except as "to bear the cross"? When a woman sits at the phone, abandoned all their business, waiting for the call, she already behaves like a victim. Or, let's say, a man insults, humiliates a woman at the beginning of the relationship. She gathers her friends and tearfully tells them how difficult it is for her, how much she moves. Asking girls for advice on how to build relationships. What's there to fix? You're not respected anymore...
117 читали · 2 года назад
How Angel Strawbridge Weight Loss and Kept It Off
In this article, we will be discussing Angel Strawbridge weight loss. Angel is a woman who lost a significant amount of weight and was able to keep it off for many years. She has shared her story with the world, and now she wants to help others achieve similar success. angel's story is an inspiration to us all, and she offers valuable advice on how to lose weight and keep it off. Angel Strawbridge Weight Loss 💖 Angel Strawbridge weight loss is a woman who has achieved tremendous success in the Angel Strawbridge weight loss arena...