1 год назад
The Last Days of Lucifer on Earth. Part one
The real story of our days, which happened on the lands of Jordan. The energy of the most negative character of the Divine Mystery of the Universe – Lucifer – has embodied on Earth in a human body of, at first sight, an ordinary man, a taxi driver, named Mohammad. This story tells how the God's Plan on eliminating and putting an end to the existence of the Lucifer's Energy in the Universe was implemented. Part one P.S. All the instructions, incoming from the Higher Inner Guru, were repeatedly re-checked...
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2 года назад
My expiriense
Well today, I talk about my experiences with God. Lately, I am going through alot. I feel hopeless. I find myself in loss of what to do. But I know, that prayer is very important in life. It helps a person to live a godly and healthy life. Prayer helps us maintain a good spirit, and we maintain spiritually. My walk with God has not been easy most of the way. And prayer, as well as reading the bible, helps us also have a very good relationship with our father from heaven, our lord and savior, why I would preach that prayer is very helpful, and is needful for us to continously pray. God loves to hear our prayers and help us with whatever we need...