4 года назад
Honored Coach of the USSR Evgeny Gomelsky: “I am proud to be henpecked”
To meet with the legendary basketball coach Eugene Gomelsky you do not need to look for some reason. His signature tales, stories and authoritative opinions are always relevant. In our conversation, the master talked about the half - thieves' talk of modern trainers, evaluated the film “Upward Movement”, recalled how his brother had raised him, and revealed his main secret. “Why should I fight? I am sitting on a bench, waving a towel, clapping my hands.” - Evgeny Yakovlevich, let's move from basketball club to the national team...
The Hermeneutic Ellipse and Its Structure. Part 1
Translated by Michael Millerman. Founder of http://MillermanSchool.com - online philosophy and politics courses on Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Dugin, Strauss, and more. Philosophers Without Philosophy Nevertheless, from time to time we use the combination of words, “Russian philosophy,” and we list the names of “Russian philosophers”: Skovoroda, Solovyov, Fedorov, Leontiev, Bulgakov, Berdyaev, Trubetskoy, Frank, Florensky, Shestov, Kojève, Losev. Who are they, then, and what were they...