16 подписчиков
One evening a man called James was on the road from Oxford to London. There weren’t many cars on the road because it was late. Suddenly in the lights of his car he saw a woman by the road – she was quite young and very pretty. ‘It’s dangerous to walk along the road when it’s dark and late,’ he thought. He stopped, opened the window and asked the young woman, ‘Where are you going? It’s dangerous to stand here at night… perhaps I can take you to London with me.’ The young woman didn’t answer but she opened the door of the car and got in...
4 года назад
29,8K подписчиков
Это продолжение разбора текста песни британской певицы Kim Wilde с пластинки Select (1982). Начало – тут. And as the nights passed by She tried to trace the past The way he used to look The way he used to laugh Когда мы слышим, что кто-то traced the route on the map ► нам ясно, что он обозначил [прочертил | набросал] маршрут на карте, а когда he traced the thieves to their safe house ► он отследил [перемещение] воров и вышел на их логово [конспиративную квартиру]. Сравните: The oximeter traces...
3 года назад