337 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Sex, Lies, and Violence in the Films about Teachers and Students
The image of the teacher in the cinema, the context of sexuality Heterosexual risks on the screen Very often heterosexual risks on the Western screens lie in wait for teachers of secondary and high school. Usually, it is referred to situations of real and false seduction. In this respect both teachers and students can be shown as heterosexual seducers. The drama Risky Business (Les risques du metier, France, 1967) is one of bright examples of false sexual seduction / contact. Here a provincial teacher became a victim of false accusation of sexual harassment of three school students under age...
20,9K просмотров · 3 года назад
3,2K прочтений · 4 года назад
100 величайших гитаристов по версии Rolling Stone
Вслед за недавним похожим списком Guitar World, будет интересен и этот список 2015-го года. Тут тоже сотка лучших, тоже странная и крутая. Первая цифра - место в списке Rolling Stone, в скобках - в Guitar World...