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1 прочтение · 1 год назад
Free ticket to Siberia from Stalin
On the night of June 13-14, 1941, in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the mass deportation of "socially alien elements" to Siberia began. Special teams that came at night confronted people with a fact and gave them no more than an hour to get ready. At the same time, such actions were held in Moldova and the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine. At the end of June 1954, groups of strange people in gray prison uniforms appeared on the streets of ancient Vladimir. For several days they wandered restlessly...
Books about the war for children-adding to the collection
Spring has come again. And with it the feeling of approaching holiday-the next anniversary of the great victory. Over the past year, many more participants of that terrible war have left their families, fewer and fewer people who can at least tell a little about "how it was." Even those who survived the war as children are becoming fewer. And the only way to preserve the memory of the War and Victory in the new generations are books. The habit of reading books about the war, we try to give children from childhood...