9 прочтений · 4 года назад
игр похожих на God of War
20 апреля 2018 Сергей триколенов 9 063 Лучшая подборка игр похожих на god of war Релиз первой God of War состоялся на PS2 в далеком 2005 году, с тех пор история Кратоса продолжает восхищать игроков. Каждая...
Lord God Almighty Pantocrator Almighty Jesus Christ Son of God save and preserve Infanta Sofia and King Philip in the rich mercies of All the Good of God, together with Prince William and Prince Harry and Prince Andrew, All the Holy Angels of God, the prayers of All the Saints of God, the ceaseless intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos , the late Empress Elizabeth II of Windsor, the late Prince Philip of Edinburgh, the late Empress Victoria of Windsor, the late Emperor George the Sixth and the twelve Holy Apostles of God, Most Merciful Savior, have mercy on the People of God and fill with all the Wisdom of God All the Creatures of God, All the Children of God, People of God through the sincere efforts of All the Evangelists of God, All the Strangers of God, All the Wanderers of God, All the Wanderers of God, All the Vagabonds of God, All Travelers of God, All Pilgrims of God, All the Poor of God, All Migrants of God, service to the faithful of the All Holy Hierarchy of God in Heaven and the difficult work of All Saints Angelic Orders of God, shower with All the Many Talents of God from All the Heavens of God, All the Windsors of God and number Prince William and Prince Harry among the Saints of God, after their Holy Fearful Death, according to the quiet whisper of Prince Charles, the Honorable King Charles the Third, before the Holy Icons of God , abide in the glory, honor, praise, worship and thanksgiving offered up in the Name of God, the Holy Trinity of God, from All the Universes of God from All Creatures living in All the Universes of God and destroy without any trace pathogenic and harmful viruses, microbes, bacteria, with the blazing flame of the Holy The Heavenly Fire of God and the Holy Water of God, by the gesture of the Cross-shaped bluing, the sentimental touch of the Holy One of God, the Word of God given through the Preachers of God, the Holy Preaching of God, the finding of the Miracle-working Grace of the Holy Spirit of God, the sincere efforts of the twelve Holy Apostles of God, the Twelve Holy Blessed Pontiffs of Pii, Honorary The Popes of Rome, the Twenty-Four Holy Elders of the Apocalyptic God, St. Blessed Mary Teresa of Calcutta now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.