19,6K просмотров · 3 года назад
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«The Last Crossing : A Novel» Guy Vanderhaeghe Amazon.comSet in the late 19th century, The Last Crossing, Guy Vanderhaeghe"s first novel since his acclaimed Englishman"s Boy, is the story of three well-off English brothers: twins Simon and Charles Gaunt and their elder sibling, Addington, a former soldier and an arrogant scoundrel. At the behest of their dictatorial father, Charles and Addington travel the prairies of the U.S. and Canada in search of sensitive Simon, who has disappeared. Much of the novel concerns their journeys--bottles of port and claret rattling in their wagons--through Indian country with a cast of intricately drawn, fully realized characters. The small troupe is led through the whiskey-coloured light by Jerry Potts, a half-breed with one foot firmly in each world. The heart of the plot involves the love that Charles, a painter, feels for Lucy Stoveall, a simple but lovely country woman who accompanies them, secretly intent on avenging her sister"s murder. However, the most intriguing character in this marvelous collection of all-too-human personalities is Custis Straw, a Bible-reading, heavy-drinking Civil War veteran who hides his tremendous dignity behind a bumbling facade, and who also loves Lucy. Vanderhaeghe"s rich language reveals a genuine feel for the prairies and their rough settlements: "a boom town draws rogues like a jam jar draws wasps," he writes, and describes "miles of wet plain patched with apple green, new penny copper, glints of silver." Though this is a Western in the traditional sense, Vanderhaeghe never sinks into parody. Rather, he uses the Western motif to reveal a number of profound universal truths about personal honour, and human failings and strengths. His humane character depictions reach emotional depths found in few novels today.--Mark Frutkin, Amazon.ca Book DescriptionThe Last Crossing is a sweeping tale of breathtaking quests, adventurous detours, and hard-won redemption. Englishmen Charles and Addington Gaunt are ordered by their tyrannical industrialist father to find their brother Simon, who has gone missing in the wilds of the American West. Charles, a disillusioned artist, and Addington, a disgraced military captain, set off to remote Fort Benton on the edge of the Montana frontier. The brothers hire the enigmaticJerry Potts, a half Blackfoot, half Scot guide, to lead them North, where Simon was last seen. Addington takes command of the mission, buying enough provisions to fill two wagons, and hires sycophantic journalist Caleb Ayto to record the journey for posterity. As the party heads out, it grows to include the fiery Lucy Stoveall, Civil War veteran Custis Straw, and saloonkeeper Aloysius Dooley. This unlikely posse becomes entangled in an unfolding drama that forces each one of them to confront personal demons. Told from alternating points of view with vivid flashbacks, The Last Crossing is a novel of ruggedness and salvation, an epic masterpiece set in a time when worlds collided, were destroyed, and were built anew. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Last Crossing : A Novel (Guy Vanderhaeghe). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Guy Vanderhaeghe «The Last Crossing : A Novel» https://izbe.ru/book/362600-the-last-crossing-a-novel-guy-vanderhaeghe/
62,1K прочтений · 2 года назад
ИТОГИ 2021 ГОДА: Топ-20 лучших новых фильмов 2021
Пусть и с некоторым опозданием, но мы все же начинаем подводить ИТОГИ 2021 года. На этот раз представляем вам Топ-20 лучших новых фильмов 2021 года, основанный на суммарных оценках ведущих мировых и российских кинопорталов. №21 :: Фильм “Никто” (2021) Сюжет: Непримечательный и незаметный человек живёт обычной жизнью, пока однажды, спасая женщину от нападения бандитов, не отправляет одного из хулиганов в больницу. Лишь позже он узнаёт, что это был брат влиятельного гангстера, который теперь жаждет мести...