20K просмотров · 3 года назад
2 прочтения · 3 года назад
On the way to the world – on the way to yourself (Text 3)
Text 3 Part 18 Obstacles to our way to happiness The only obstacle on the way to ourselves is ourselves. And this is not a philosophical statement - this is a reality, which, however, many people prefer to hide from themselves. Only we can deprive ourselves of happiness, freedom, and dreams. Not circumstances, not other people, but ourselves. Not everyone, of course, is ready to take on such responsibility, because it is much easier to say that life has not worked out, there is no strength, no talent ...
3 прочтения · 2 года назад
10 things you shouldn't be afraid of
Many people think that our world is a scary place, full of all kinds of dangers and threats. They are partly right. There are many wrong, bad, dangerous, and painful things in the world. But if you think about it carefully, you will see that very often there is no reason to be afraid of them. Or we can put it differently: we can afford the luxury of not being afraid of them. The reason is: many fears are the result of misunderstandings, delusions, or even a simple habit of being afraid. If you look closely, it turns out that these scary things are not scary at all...