4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
4 objects that attract the bad energy in the home
While some habits can bring you luck and prosperity, others are considered negative or may bring bad energy into your home. To no longer make mistakes and finally optimize your interior space, discover 4 objects that attract the bad energies in the House...
3 месяца назад
Создано на основе запроса: The massive metal chains and fallen parts piled up together create a oppressive and eerie environment. A person who is afraid of large objects may feel overwhelmed and trapped by these towering, disorderly items, unable to escape. This scene could evoke a sense of fear, making them feel confined in a space that is vastly disproportionate to human scale and beyond their control. The entire composition exudes a feeling of oppression and lack of agency, which could be a visual torment for those afflicted with this phobia. This industrial landscape showcases the negative impacts of industrialization, and may pose an even greater threat and challenge for those who are susceptible to such stimuli. megalophobia, real photo in a factory. --- Автоперевод: Массивные металлические цепи и упавшие части, сложенные вместе, создают гнетущую и жуткую обстановку. Красиво выглядит? 🤔 https://dzen.ru/id/65c0c65c86e4f837c27b24d7 #ИИ #AI #нейросеть #midjourney #art