1 прочтение · 2 месяца назад
A meteorite fell in Podkamennaya Tunguska, hard and cold, it is a fragment of our sun.
At the Velichkin's Sun Academy, a theory has been developed - Velichkin's Sun. According to this theory, all stars, planets and moons of planets are hollow to varying degrees. All this "Velichkin's Sun" from now and forever!!! "So that everyone's foolishness could be seen by everyone" Peter the Great!. Obvious (in plain sight) nonsense, from the Russian astrophysicist, academician V.P. Velichko. Translated with the help of Yandex translator from the original article in Russian The article and all...
1 прочтение · 1 год назад
AND HERE IT IS — THE SUB-SECTION by Mikhail Bulgakov
Sun. Clouds of dust behind carriage wheels. People walking in and out of an echoing building. A room on the fourth floor. Two cupboards with broken doors, some rickety tables. Three young ladies with violet lips bang away loudly at typewriters, stopping now and then to have a smoke. In the very centre a writer snatched from death's jaws fashions a sub-section out of the chaos. Fine. Dram. Actors' bluish faces keep pestering him. Asking for money. After the typhus a rocking swell. Dizziness and nausea...