19,1K просмотров · 3 года назад
7 дней назад
Создано на основе запроса: An old-fashioned comic book scene set in a vast desert landscape. On the left, a vintage car from the 1930s speeds down a dusty dirt road, kicking up clouds of dust behind it. Above the car, a bold onomatopoeic 'VBROOOOAAA' sound effect is drawn, capturing the roar of the engine. On the right, a cowboy in a classic Western outfit rides alongside the car on horseback, his steed galloping with powerful strides. The desert is filled with tall cacti, dry bushes, and rugged rocky hills in the distance. Puffy clouds fill the sky, creating a sense of depth and vastness. The entire scene is drawn in clean, black-and-white ink lines, with precise detailing in both the car and the horse, giving the scene a dynamic sense of movement and adventure typical of classic Western comics. "JOTIS 2024" --- Автоперевод: Старомодная сцена из комиксов, действие которой происходит на обширном пустынном ландшафте. Хорошо получилось? 🤔 https://dzen.ru/id/65c0c65c86e4f837c27b24d7 #ИИ #AI #нейросеть #midjourney #art
4 дня назад
Создано на основе запроса: A side view of a prehistoric scene inside a dark cave, with early humans (adimanav) engrossed in painting murals on the walls. The paintings show dinosaurs in motion and hunters with spears. The scene is lit subtly by a flickering fire and a soft glow from the cave entrance. The interplay of light and shadow gives the art depth and movement. Created Using: Leica SL2 emulation, dynamic fire effects, cinematic lighting, ultra-detailed pigment rendering, immersive paleoart design, realistic dust particles, HDR textures --- Автоперевод: Вид сбоку на доисторическую сцену внутри темной пещеры, где ранние люди (адиманавы) были поглощены рисованием фресок на стенах. Как тебе такая картинка? 🤔 https://dzen.ru/id/65c0c65c86e4f837c27b24d7 #ИИ #AI #нейросеть #midjourney #art