Diversified workers in the restaurant business
-That is, by paying a lump-sum payment, the franchise buyer receives an individual financial model for the chosen location? -Yes, but I always say to the franchisee several times that this is forward planning. It’s just that franchisees are very often met, who then say: "And you promised us such and such percentages." Firstly, we do not promise, but predict. Secondly, I always try to build calculations from pessimistic forecasts. Better then to be optimistic than to build even according to the average forecast and after a few months to fall into pessimism...
BARBIE или Я наконец-то посмотрела Барби
Я посмотрела BARBIE. The movie definitely stands out. It is not like anything else I have seen before and because we are suspicious of anything new, anything alien to the stereotypical features of the genre – we are puzzled and at a loss for words when it comes to actually answering the question “How did you find the movie?”.  Так вот, этот фильм для меня про навешенные обществом, культурой или воспитанием ярлыки того, как надо или как не надо жить/любить/реализовываться. Фильм про то, как найти себя настоящего, не стремящегося оправдать чьи-то ожидания...