27 прочтений · 5 лет назад
One thing all Finns are crazy about
Nearly every citizen of Finland always have special bibelots, that can be different shapes and sizes, but they all are united by the ability of reflecting the light. Finland is a north country and it means that in winter time it gets dark very fast and daylight hours poor (some part of the country is even placed behind the polar circle, so there is a polar night phenomenon). That's why in dark period (usually from October till March) the Finnish government obliges citizens to have some reflectors...
I Bought A Stranger's Diary From ebay - 1952 Я Купил Дневник английский timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX8bUiIZr6g внутри этого дневника секреты совершенно незнакомого человека inside this diary are the secrets of a total stranger привет, я Джоанна, и я покупаю странные вещи в Интернете одна странная вещь, которую вы можете hi I'm Joanna and I buy weird things off the internet one weird thing you can buy купить в Интернете, это дневник незнакомца кто-то много лет назад написал дневник, и теперь off the Internet is a stranger's diary someone years ago wrote a diary and now он выставлен на продажу на eBay, и я купил его, он полон секретов, я прочитаю it's for...