Учим Английский! (читаем интересные тексты с переводом, учим новые слова, фразы, передовая методика)-3
In 1969, I was standing behind a Sylvania black-and-white television set. Hearing about these things happening on the set in the front, I was the guy, you know, moving the rabbit ears for my dad, and my sister and my mom. "Move over here, turn over here, move this way, we can't see the screen." And what they were watching was: "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil [Armstrong] and Buzz Aldrin were walking on the Moon. And I was five years old in Lynchburg, Virginia, a skinny black kid in a kind of somewhat racist town...
1 год назад
Zhejiang adventure
I’ve always been scared of men and always felt insecure by them, giving the fact, that nearly 30% of women in the world at least once were abused by a man (according to WHO statistic), as well as there are many domestic violence cases in Russia too. This story is different though. This story is about something that I had never done before and wouldn’t advise anyone to do unless you know the person very well or, at least, you can read people well. I was invited by a Chinese man to his villa, which was placed in a tiny village in Zhejiang province...