176 прочтений · 1 год назад
Свадебная резня (Til Death Do Us Part), фильм 2023 года.
После просмотра подобных кинолент возникает закономерный вопрос, а является ли 2023 год возвращением экшен-триллеров о мести? Кажется, что большинство малоизвестных постановщиков снимают b-movie, в надежде повторить грандиозный триумф «Джона Уика». «Свадебная резня», в оригинале «Пока смерть не разлучит нас», имел все возможности на успех, однако Тимоти Вудворта мл. вряд ли можно назвать талантливым постановщиком, так как его 20 режиссёрских работ нельзя рекомендовать к просмотру! Незамысловатый...
1 месяц назад
«'Til Death Do Us Part» Kate White Book DescriptionWhen Bailey Weggins receives a phone call from Ashley Hanes, she assumes Ashley needs a fashion or publishing related favor. After all, Bailey only met the woman once when they were both bridesmaids in a wedding, and they didn"t have anything in common. But Ashley needs more from Bailey than help getting into a Chanel sample sale. It turns out that two of the bridesmaids from the wedding have died in what appear to be freak accidents. One was electrocuted in her bathtub and the other had a fatal reaction to antidepressants. Ashley is sure the two cases aren"t just a horrible coincidence and convinces Bailey to investigate. Before you can say ""Til death do us part," Ashley"s lifeless body is found at the bottom of a flight of stairs, and Bailey realizes that she easily could be next on the killer"s list.Download DescriptionWhen Ashley Hanes calls Bailey Weggins out of the blue, Bailey figures she"s calling to ask for a fashion or publishing-related favor. Bailey only met Ashley once when they were both bridesmaids in Peyton Cross"s wedding, and they didn"t have anything in common. But Ashley wants more from Bailey than help getting into a Chanel sample sale. She tells Bailey that two of the bridesmaids from Peyton"s wedding have died in what seem to be unrelated accidents. One was killed when a clock radio fell into her bath, and the other had a fatal reaction to some antidepressants she was taking. Bailey thinks that the deaths were probably just weird coincidences, but she lets Ashley convince her to at least speak to Peyton. And if the deaths weren"t weird coincidences Bailey has a real reason to worry-she was a bridesmaid at Peyton"s wedding too. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге 'Til Death Do Us Part (Kate White). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Kate White «'Til Death Do Us Part» https://izbe.ru/book/405409-apos-til-death-do-us-part-kate-white/