5 лет назад
Surprise selection (Part 15)
Chapter 7 (continued) The conditions are getting tougher After lunch, I went to my apartment. I expected that there would be a defeat here, but everything was in its place. As if no one was there. The royal sniffers were able to work. Still, the elite squad. And they will definitely find someone who took the staff. There was no doubt about it. What to do? To sit in a room all day? Take a risk and get to the library? Or... They knocked on the door. I shuddered when I thought I'd come to my soul...
2 прочтения · 5 лет назад
The habit of losing it quietly. Part 2
I had a simple situation a few years ago, which I remembered at once, and showed how it happens. Once I lost my favorite sports jacket, thousands for 5-6 rubles. For me, at that time it was a tangible amount, and the purchase was successful - it fits well, and I liked it. But I was lucky to remember Alexander Palienko's covenants right away, and I thought: "So, something even better will come in her place," and immediately switched over and forgot. And really, then within six months, I bought three...