Every summer there was a Zarnitsa game between the camps, since there were as many as four camps on Crow Island. Of course, not all four camps played at the same time, as a rule they were divided into pairs by drawing lots. And here another privilege of the first detachment worked - night reconnaissance was part of the game. The first detachment got up at 3:00 am, equipped accordingly, and in several groups went to find out the location of the enemy. That is, if you got into the first squad, then in this game you were always a scout. Further Everything went as usual; the camp woke up, military fuss and running around began, there was a hunt for the flag of the enemy team...
Варианты от «Первого ряда» The Undertaker. 2023 год. Режиссер: Майкл Райт. В ролях: Пол МакГанн, Тара Фитцджеральд, Мюррэй Мелвин, Роджер Барклай, Рэй Эммет Браун, Боб Крайер, Марк Дэнбери, Сара Ив, Лили Фрайзер, Шон Джилдер. Гробовщик делает неправильный выбор, оказавшись на моральном распутье, когда ему предстоит избавиться от жертв гангстерского захвата власти. This Time Next Year. 2024 год. Режиссер: Ник Мур. В ролях: Софи Куксон, Люсьен Лависконт, Голда Рошевель, Моника Долан, Джон Ханна, Мандип Гилл, Чарли О’Коннор, Кила Сеттл, Уилл Хислоп, Анита Добсон...