8 подписчиков
Choose  Membership  I dedicate this piece of eternity , which came for me in the form of Fairies Winx Club , and was embodied in her daughter . Thank you prophet to the Keeper .. We're all looking for . This search is not defined . We don't know when and how it will end , inevitably do it in the beginning or always feel what I want from him . And when we come to the end has already been achieved a long-awaited desire comes the crucial , main point . A moment from which to further build our future ...
3 года назад
2 подписчика
Years of trying to balance the love I wanted and the love he gave ended in a whimper, not a bang The conversation happened at a time when we were still trying to “work it out.” As if the failures of a two-decade relationship were little more than a stubborn stain requiring a bit more soap and scrubbing. We sat at “my” table in the apartment I had moved into in an act of separation. I had made a pot of steaming chamomile tea. He was a guest in my home. It was a strange dynamic between two adults who had known each other since before they’d been allowed to drive...
4 года назад
1 подписчик
The moon fell fast towards the western horizon like it had been shot dead. There was a smattering of stars left in its wake that decorated the mostly empty night sky. We sat below a giant eucalyptus tree, close together, sipping on wine, relaxing on a wooden bench that wrapped around a stone fire pit that held no fire. The raccoon came out of the bush like some ancient reminder of Nature. She trundled out, not expecting us to be there. Startled, she reared up in a defensive pose. The raccoon was three feet from me...
4 года назад