5 лет назад
Training after break: back to fitness correctly
After a long pause, you decided to go back to sports again? Take your time. To resume training after the break, you need a new plan, which will depend on why you did not do it and how long you "rested". After a forced rest, the recovery process will be slower, perhaps even longer than the period of stagnation. And this is normal. After all, the muscles are used to stress and stress, partially atrophied. So the training after the break should be thought through to the smallest detail. So, there is a desire to return to training, it's time to come up with a plan...
135 читали · 4 года назад
На грани разрыва. История отношений в исполнении Сальмы Хайек и Рассела Кроу
Романтическая драма 1997 года режиссера Роберта Гринуолда под названием "На грани разрыва". Фильм про историю отношений одной влюбленной пары. Хотя фильм позиционируют как комедию - все же, драмы здесь больше...