1975 читали · 4 года назад
3 короткометражные комедии для отличного настроения
Небольшие фильмы смотрятся легко и быстро, но при этом могут зарядить позитивом не меньше, чем полнометражные картины. Не верите? Тогда эта подборка для вас! Трапезницы Лёгкая французская комедия в лучших традициях жанра...
5 лет назад
Accident in a bar
Phil approached the griffindorke who stood opposite Parkinson 's. "There is one after all. Our hero protector. You didn 't really help her last time. Then, at night in the dungeon, - Draco also stood up. "What?" Did he hurt you then? Phil ran his eyes from Hermione to Draco. He did nothing. In a state as drunk as then, he wouldn 't even be able to touch me with his finger. Some empty words, - Hermione clearly lied, looking proudly at the slush. - Even in such a drunk state as then, - Draco repeated and despondently looked the girl from the feet to the head, - I wouldn t want to touch you...