140 просмотров · 1 год назад
1 прочтение · 2 года назад
10 Things To Do When You’re Angry At Yourself (For Your Mistakes)
When you make a mistake, you tend to forget all of the victories and accolades that have been bestowed upon you throughout the years rather fast. If you make even the smallest error, it will consume your thoughts for the rest of the day. And sadly, you could have to bear the weight of it for the rest of your life. This is quite natural, but it's not good for you.The experienced understand that it is only via making mistakes that one may grow intellectually. It is a natural part of human growth to make mistakes, even as a child, and then to pick yourself back up and try again. Having said that, this experienced wisdom may be thrown out the window once you make a mistake...
3 прочтения · 1 год назад
⚡ Уровень: A2-B2 say it to him, say him about it, said him it, said him that, suggest him an idea, explain her an idea, told him the joke, pointed out her the mistake? эта куча казалось бы несвязанных слов на самом деле родствены грамматически, все из них имеют дополнение, но только некоторые из них верны. Смогли догадаться какие? Вы уже познакомились с таким понятием как "прямое дополнение", например, как в заголовке Better Call Saul, все вроде бы просто. Не нужно никаких call to Saul, как и в глаголах text someone и see someone...