20,4K просмотров · 3 года назад
1 прочтение · 1 год назад
Fun facts about coffeine
Today, caffeine is the most used drug in the world. Many people depend on it. The most popular drinks in the world contain coffeine. Nowadays people commonly get coffeine through coffee, tea and Cola. Coffeine use is a socially acceptable addition. In a plant, caffeine is a natural pesticide – it makes insects unable to move and then kills them. But in a person’s body caffeine acts very differently. It speeds up a person’s central nervous system, inside the body. It stimulates the brain – that is, it makes a brain act and react faster...
2 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Нow to take off make up well?
Make-up removal is an essential step in the daily beauty-routine that will allow you to obtain a beautiful skin that is soft, elastic and supple at the same time. Just for the health of your skin, it is essential to maintain every morning and evening to remove excess oil, makeup remnants and other impurities responsible for the formation of comedones, blackheads and acne . Discover how to remove cleanly and quickly for a silky skin, smooth and spruce! 1. Why remove makeup every night?  Make-up...