13 прочтений · 6 лет назад
The concept of "Hugge" cannot be literally translated into Russian. It means a style of life that is based on coziness, comfort and well-being. According to opinion polls, Danes are the happiest people in Europe. They regularly meet with friends and family and always feel a sense of peace and tranquility. Today the interest in this way of life is growing worldwide. How to follow that? There are not so many secrets. 1. MAKE YOUR HOME AND OFFICE COZY Danish design is minimalist. In the interior Danes prefer light colors: white, grey, dusty blue...
Quentin Tarantino Once Upon a Time in Hollywood part 4 timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 расшифровка рус-англ синхр
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsrCOjNS5Z4 шум, но скалы выдрессировали ее и хорошо выдрессировали noise but cliffs trained her and trained her она, возможно, многого не знает, well she might not know much но она знает, чего от нее ожидают во время кормления, but she knows what's expected of her during feeding time и она чертовски хорошо знает, что должна оставаться в этом кресле и сидеть без and she knows damn well that she must stay in that chair and sit without нытья, пока ее хозяин не даст ей знак, whining till her master gives her the signal что она может ешьте на черно-белом экране...