108 читали · 6 лет назад
How do you learn to speak a language? — 6 Minute English | Слушайте и развивайте английский язык на слух
Специально для вас мы собрали эпизоды популярных подкастов в режиме телесуфлёра. Вы слышите аудио и видите текст одновременно. В описании вы найдёте переводы некоторых слов, встретившихся в ролике. Words to learn. Прослушать больше эпизодов, переводить незнакомые слова одним касанием, вы сможете установив наше приложение «Суфлёр». Установить бесплатное приложение Суфлёр Словарь according (verb) – соответствовать, предоставлять, согласовывать; altogether (adverb) – вообще, в целом, полностью, вместе,...
5 лет назад
How to correctly start learning English
Plans to learn a foreign language quickly and easily remain unfulfilled, leaving a worrying question in my mind: "Why couldn't I? Let's see what "couldn't" mean. Before you act, first decide for yourself: How much do you need, for example, English, the most common language? Do you want to be able to talk? Do you want to communicate in English when you go abroad? Or do you want to read books on it? Watching a video? Write online with foreigners? Or just help your child learn lessons? All these lessons require different levels of language skills as well as different types of language skills...
5 лет назад
We all learn to talk
Have you noticed how the natural mastery of speech takes place? Some children start speaking a little earlier, others a little later, but all of them - as long as they do not have serious problems interfering with normal development - are encouraged and taught to speak. However, this directed learning almost always stops at the early stages. Once children have learned to identify the most important subjects and to make suggestions for expression, they are left alone. If communication were more...