In Our Time: S23/36 Booth's Life and Labour Survey (June 10 2021) timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 расшифровка yt на рус/англ языке (синхронно) hello в 1886 году чарльз бут провел опрос каждого домохозяйства в быстро развивающемся лондоне, чтобы hello in 1886 charles booth surveyed every household in booming london to проверить маловероятное утверждение о том, что целых четверть жила в test an unlikely claim that as many as a quarter lived in бедности, эта цифра оказалась неверной, он poverty that figure turned out to be wrong he был на самом деле третью, многие из них были слишком стары или слишком молоды, чтобы was really a third many of them too old or too young to он поделился этим...
3 прочтения · 10 месяцев назад
Reading again and again
Statement: it is a waste of time to read the same book more than once. How many times have you read your favourite book? Have you ever thought why you want to read it again and again? Maybe, it's just a waste of time? I think there's nothing bad if you read one book more than once. When you enter author's imaginary world, you experience new emotions. You feel something about the characters, certain events and adventures which happen to them. Your feelings form memories and general opinion about the book, so when you read this book again, your memories appear, and emotions too...