The Best Rock Hits 80's (Vol.3)
ТОП 280 разговорных фраз на английском
Список фраз с переводом к этому видео: 1. it doesn't matter / Это не важно, не имеет значения 2. Sorry to bother you / Извините за беспокойство 3. Look / Послушай 4. Cheers! / Будем здоровы! (тост) 5. You rock! / Ты жжешь! 6. Never mind / Проехали, забей, не важно 7. I screwed up / Я облажался, все испортил 8. Are you insane?! / Ты в своем уме?! 9. Are you nuts? / Ты в своем уме?! 10. No way! / Ни за что! 11. What it takes to / Что требуется, чтобы... 12. I have no idea / Без понятия 13...
THOA/Chapter 28
"How are you?" - "I'm great, "How are you?" "I'm fine..." Smiley faces hiding the truth behind Our shallow texts on the Internet... I am waiting for you to go ahead. You have no idea how bad I feel Trying hard to go after what is real. You will never know I am burning up Burning up with love, fear of losing you I'm aware this way I might end up bad. But I'll end up worse off without you... Olive wrote her verses on notebook pages at night, tore them to pieces and wrote again. She was ashamed to publish them online not because the verses were rather weak. They were just devoted to the person who was not supposed to read them...