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«Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences» Norman R. Kurtz People are bombarded with statistical data every day, but not many have had training in how to interpret or analyze this information. Kurtz"s accessible writing style provides a basic yet sophisticated introduction to understanding and analyzing statistical applications. The book gives careful attention to the flow of ideas and concepts so there is a stream of logic which flows throughout, adding to the book"s readability. The book begins with a discussion of methods for describing the distribution of a variable. The introduction of probability avoids the traditional discussion of the basic laws of probability, providing instead an explanation which can be directly applied in the everyday use of statistical probability. The discussion of the bookis focused primarily on the relationship of probability to outcomes. Sociologists, psychologists, social workers, political scientists, educators, as well as anyone who wants to analyze data. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences (Norman R. Kurtz). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Norman R. Kurtz «Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences» https://izbe.ru/book/352985-statistical-analysis-for-the-social-sciences-norman-r-kurtz/
In Our Time: S23/36 Booth's Life and Labour Survey (June 10 2021) timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 расшифровка yt на рус/англ языке (синхронно)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ravT5m2E70I hello в 1886 году чарльз бут провел опрос каждого домохозяйства в быстро развивающемся лондоне, чтобы hello in 1886 charles booth surveyed every household in booming london to проверить маловероятное утверждение о том, что целых четверть жила в test an unlikely claim that as many as a quarter lived in бедности, эта цифра оказалась неверной, он poverty that figure turned out to be wrong he был на самом деле третью, многие из них были слишком стары или слишком молоды, чтобы was really a third many of them too old or too young to он поделился этим...