214 читали · 5 лет назад
Что значит в английском "носить штаны в отношениях" и "ain't"
Продолжение разбора песни Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia. Let's go! I know you ain't used to a female alpha (No way, no way) "I ain't posh" - "I am not posh". "They ain't happy" - "They aren't happy". "He isn't heavy" - "He ain't heavy". "They ain't been paid" - "They haven't been paid". "Hip hop ain't dead" - "Hip hop isn't dead". Can't be a rolling stone if you live in a glass house You keep...
4 года назад
Давайте разберемся, зачем вы учите иностранный язык
В посте попрактикуем навык чтения, а дальше честно ответим себе на вопрос. А действительно, зачем? 1. It's a beautiful language! 2. My family comes from a place where the language is spoken. 3. I love the culture and the people who speak the language. 4. I just love learning languages! 5. The language is useful for my job. 6. I live in a country that speaks the language. 7. I want to open my mind and become more international. 8. I want to understand my favorite songs, movies and TV shows. 9...