136 минут
Quentin Tarantino | Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Audiobook Part 3 timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 расшифровка рус-англ синхрон
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO4YFx_AdGI они не знали, и никто им не сказал, used was 65 percent alcohol-based they didn't know and nobody told them потому что в эпизоде не было противопожарного кляпа, дл я которого изначально планировалась белая одежда, по because there wasn't a fire gag in the episode that the white garment was тому с Риком внутри, ко originally planned for so with rick inside да они коснулись пламенем задней части ку тки Дж when they touched a flame to the back of jake's jacket йка. он превратился в пылающую римскую свечу, когда Рик услышал, как it burst into a blazing...
26 минут
1 прочтение · 5 месяцев назад
Мировая политика как черное и белое: Иран и Израиль, или как люди становятся жертвами намеренно проецируемых на них заблуждений
World Politics as Black & White: Iran and Israel or how people fall victims of delusions intentionally projected on them To a previous text of mine about Iran, an apparently pro-Iranian and pro-Palestinian reader reacted expressing his fervent support for Iran; however, when it comes to modern states, governments, non-governmental organizations, companies and conglomerates, as well as international bodies, any blind support is totally wrong, misleading and destructive. It actually prevents people from accurately assessing the situation in each and every point...