2 прочтения · 5 лет назад
The four big "shoulder men" in the eyes of women
There are always one or two men around us who love their faces and brag about their work all day, how great love is, but the actual situation makes people dare not agree. They may bow down in front of the leader. In front of the beautiful woman, their eyes are straight, their mouths are awkward, and their speech becomes stuttering... Yes, this is one of the women in the heart of a woman. According to the analysis of relevant emotional institutions, women believe that the following five manifestations of men are the most embarrassing...
23 прочтения · 4 месяца назад
I Really Love Her - песня, на которой играет и поёт только Ринго Старр! Поскольку Дзен блокирует мой канал здесь за "заимствованный контент", все видео и намного больше можно теперь увидеть только в моём Телеграм-канале. Скрин из видео: