20,6K просмотров · 3 года назад
2 года назад
How Hong Kong could become the next hot place for Russian oligarchs to store their wealth
By JAMES GRIFFITHS In the weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, British lawmakers revived and rushed through a long-delayed economic crime bill to target Russian assets, President Joe Biden said the United States was “coming for your ill-begotten gains,” and authorities in France and Italy seized yachts linked to Kremlin allies. As Western governments crack down on dirty money – or at least make a show of doing so – the world’s kleptocrats and oligarchs are looking for new places to store their wealth...
4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Mo Yan yesterday love and hate. Part 3.
At the end of July 2008, my son returned to Shanghai from Qingdao. I talked to him. I went to the train station excitedly after work on Friday, and on the way, I got a text from him saying, " I'm not going anywhere this week, I want to be quiet."'My tears came down and I didn't know what had happened to him, it was heartbreaking, for me and for my son,' she said. I have a feeling something has happened. I'm going back to Beijing to get a Hong Kong-Macau passport and take my son to Hong Kong Disneyland...