20,8K просмотров · 3 года назад
45 прочтений · 4 года назад
Как маленькая девочка испугала Быка с Уолл-стрит
Атакующий Бык. Финансовый Квартал. Нью-Йорк Атакующий Бык и Бесстрашная Девочка на Уолл-стрит Атакующий Бык (Charging Bull) бронзовая статуя весом 3,200 килограммов, 3,4 метра в высоту и 4,9 метров в длину...
3 прочтения · 1 год назад
The hour of the bull. The most important mistake of Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stalin, which nullified their achievements. And Lenin, and then his faithful and best student Stalin, as in other things and the "demon of the revolution Trotsky, made the same mistake. They remained in the positions of progressive people of that time. Namely, they considered Marx's teaching from the standpoint of accumulated knowledge about the state-political and political-economic structure of human society. Therefore, they founded the search for a path to communism on the old, state foundation...